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11:26 p.m. - 2003-12-31
My 2003 calendar.
With there being only a few short minutes of 2003 left, I must say a short Glory Hallelujia that this year is over! Well, will be soon...probably by the time most of you read this. What good was 2003? I can't think of much.

January was a bitterly cold month followed by February, with much the same weather. February being my birth month should be better to me than that. March came in with a howeling wind, and blew home my folks the first of April...damn March winds. May was the first time in years I didn't get to go to a bowling tournament, and even tho at the time I thought Cooooollll, I'm thinking now..."that sucked". June started turning up the heat for July where I got my female organs yanked out of my body, leaving me to sit around for much of August. September brought a new Eagle Scout to our family and sent the folks back to Texas!!! Yay September. October showed up, and soon led to November and Thanksgiving which then just proved to be a hop skip and a jump to Christmas and, I have to say...there was only one Good month the entire year....and that was September.

Now, we get 2004....year of a new presidential election...I think I'll go to bed now....somebody wake me up when the clock hits 2005...will ya??? That is, unless the Cubs get into the play offs again! In that case....wake me sooner!





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