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8:49 a.m. - 2004-04-03
What do you know!
Happy Saturday!

Today is the awards ceremony for the Jr. bowling. I made it through another year....and without all the drama, out there, it wasn't a bad, I guess, as much as I hate to admit it, change was good...and the new proprietors are great people!

Tomorrow is little Matty's 18th birthday. I feel real old now. I'm both delighted that he's grown up and saddened by the fact that he's grown up. I look forward to him leaving home, yet I know I'm gonna cry real rivers of tears!

Speaking of Little Matty leaving home. I thought he was just interested in Iowa Central Community College...but now I found out that he's already registered for fall classes...Already has his fall schedule sitting on the table...all without telling his dad or me??? Silly boy. I'm glad he's made some decisions with his life, I'm just hopeing that what he decided is what he'll be happy doing...Looks like he's gonna be building houses, just like he's said for out for the Supper MATT MART!

Where did all the years go, and to think, I spent alot of them, not watching Cubs baseball...What exactly was I thinking!





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