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6:21 p.m. - 2003-12-27
Christmas is coming down!
Christmas 2003 is over...all except the cleaning up, putting away and paying the credit card. Thinking the tree "Might" come down tomorrow. Depends on how energetic I am.

It was a wonderful christmas, once I finally got things done, and could relax. I really enjoyed the time with family and friends. Too bad, that Christmas is the only time of the year the families get together anymore.

New Years is just around the corner. I'm hopeing for a better year, physically, mentally and business wise. Am I asking too much? I'm really hopeing to kick this weigh loss problem to the curb and start on the downward trend again. My friend Diane Helen and I are going to start the two week kick start of South Beach diet tomorrow, along with WW....hopefully that with jumpstart the weight coming off this body again. It's gonna be pretty restrictive. No potatos, pasta, rice, baked goods,bread or fruit for two weeks...but, thankfully, just for two weeks. No sweets of any kind, gonna have to break that M & M machine in the laundromat! Don't worry...this is only for two weeks...and if it doesn't work, theres the WW Fast Start plan!!!

I must loose...I must loose..I have to loose another 17 lbs before my birthday! I must!

I hope everyone had as good a Christmas as I did!





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